Before & After School Programs
Silverado Middle School's before and after school programs are provided by the Community Programs Department of the Napa County office of Education (NCOE) which also sponsors the ACE (After Class Enrichment) Program which provides after school sports on Silverado's campus. In addition to after school sports, they offer homework support, project based learning modules, tutoring and mentoring through AmeriCorps, and enrichment camps. All these programs are free to Silverado Middle school students and include a nutritious snack.
> More information about ACE @ Silverado MS
General Information
ACE Contact:
Christina, SMS Site Supervisor
Programs are offered each weekday
Before School Program: Monday-Friday, 1.5 hours before school
After School Program: Monday-Friday, Immediately after school ends until 6 PM
How to Enroll:
> ACE Enrollment Forms (download here or pick up a packet in the SMS office)